
Mobile AirDesk

Mobile AirDesk
Using laptop while being outdoors or even at the comfort of your living room means that most of the time you have to put it on your lap. And that’s the worst choice one can make!
The Mobile AirDesk is not only the answer to back pains and poor body posture but also helps your laptop (and you) stay cool! Just place majestically your precious on the ventilation curves and say goodbye to the once-upon-a-time annoying heat on our laps. Made from 100% rapidly renewable bamboo this unique stand is extremely lightweight and stylish product. 
This sophisticated laptop stand helps you increases the efficiency of your laptop, save time and work smarter! It has enough space for a laptop, a mouse pad and also includes a cable slot that can fit just about any phone or mini tablet on the market.
The Mobile AirDesk is a great gift idea for those who spent endless hours in front of their laptop screen. So if you want to make your life easier with a piece of eco-friendly design go ahead and grab yours!$129.99

Mobile AirDesk